Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spring Break Sprung the Nerd in Me

When you hear "spring break", your mind probably wanders to a sunny beach, parties and late night outings. But let me disappoint you. My spring break was the opposite. It was homey, gloomy and snow stormy.

Here's basically a true depiction of my spring break:
I went back to Minnesota hoping to spend my week in the sun on the porch, reading the books I borrowed from the DSU library, but the mighty snow storm hit us hard on Sunday evening. My plan to sit on the porch was mercilessly crushed. I was forced to cancel my plan, just like the schools were forced to announce a snow day! 
So I perched at Barnes and Noble on Monday instead, while it snowed and snowed. And just like that John Green kept me busy for three days. I was Looking for Alaska. I made friends with Pudge, the Colonel, and Alaska. 
I loved the fact that Alaska and Pudge gave me things to think about: what is our way out of this labyrinth.
For Alaska (spoiler alert), it is straight and fast; for the Colonel, it is the labyrinth itself and an acceptance of its complexities and sufferings and as for Pudge, it is to forgive. 
I have yet to decide whether suffering in the labyrinth is worth it at all, whether the labyrinth is something that one can escape, something one can ignore. Until then I will keep trying to find a meaning for it. Maybe trying to find its meaning, I might be able to find whether it can bring us some solace. 

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